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Constituent's Bill of Rights:
Empowering Your Voice

I believe that every resident deserves to be heard and have their concerns addressed promptly and personally. That's why I am committed to implementing a Constituent's Bill of Rights, ensuring your needs and opinions are given the highest priority. Here are the key components of our Bill of Rights:

On a Video Call

Calls Returned in 24 Hours

Your time is valuable, and we understand the importance of timely communication. We pledge to return your calls within 24 hours, ensuring that your questions, concerns, and ideas are acknowledged and addressed promptly


Attendance at Civic Club & Super Neighborhood Meetings

I believe in the power of face-to-face engagement and the strength of our neighborhood associations. As your council member, I am dedicated to personally attending every super neighborhood meeting I’m invited to. I will listen to your perspectives, and actively collaborate with you to find solutions that benefit our community.

Meeting in an office

Open Door Policy  Walk-ins Welcome

Accessibility and transparency are fundamental principles of effective representation. I welcome you to our office with an open-door policy, ensuring that you can visit us, share your thoughts, and discuss any issues that matter to you. Your input is invaluable, and we are committed to fostering an inclusive and participatory environment.

We firmly believe that by upholding these rights, we empower your voice and foster a strong, collaborative relationship between our office and the constituents we proudly serve. Together, let's build a community where everyone feels heard, valued, and inspired to actively shape the future of our City.


© 2023 by Eriq Glenn. Paid for by Eriq Glenn for by At- Large Position 1. Powered by Zoek

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